Are you looking for a roofing contractor?
Your home is your biggest investment and it can quickly deteriorate and lose value if your roof is in disrepair. Your roof has to put up with a lot; it stands many years of high winds, gales, torrential rain, sleet and snow. Even if you are lucky enough to get through a storm without losing your tiles and ridge tiles then over the years the weather and elements are sure to do damage, over time. Often unless you pay close attention to your roof you will never know that damage has occurred, unless of course tiles have come crashing to the ground. Therefore taking the time to check your roof from time to time will pay dividends. If you do find damage the sooner you have it repaired the better and the more money you will save in the long run. Paying out for a reputable roofing contractor will also be to your benefit, have your roof fixed on the cheap and you could have to payout time and time again.
One of the signs that there are problems with your roof is evidence of damp and mould. If you see any water marks or stains on the walls then this could point to the fact that you have a leak in your roof. Should you leave this then damp will spread and could damage walls and beams in your home. It could also spread to your belongings. All of this could be stopped in its tracks by finding a roofing contractor and having your roof fixed at the first signs of damage and disrepair.
Of course the type of home you live in and the type of roof you have would have to be given some thought as roofers will usually specialise in different areas. If you were to choose a company and they were not up to the job you could find shoddy work which of course would have to be re-done and this would be added cost. You should therefore ask many questions of your roofer before taking them on. Some could, for example, specialise in lead roofs, some could work with farmhouse or church roofs.
Some could specialise in more than one area. Never be afraid to ask for referrals or to see a portfolio of work they have already completed.
Any good craftsman of quality would have no worries about showing you work and projects they have completed.
As your home is your biggest outlay you want to ensure that your home and your roof will be in good hands. You should therefore check to ensure that any contractor you are considering taking on is a member of the NFRC; this is the National Federation of Roofing Contractors. All ethical and quality craftsmen will be a member of the NFRC as this is one of the largest trade associations in the United Kingdom. Any company who is registered with them will be fully insured so you have peace of mind that they will offer high standards of workmanship.